PLASP’s award-winning Early Learning and Child Care Centres are a safe place for children to learn and grow. Offering full-day child care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers (ages 6 weeks to five years of age) at more than 30 Centres in Peel and Toronto, PLASP’s centres:
Meet the high standards for licensing by the Ministry of Education
Employ warm, nurturing staff members who connect well with children and families
Use a HighScope® curriculum to inspire learning and development and promote each child’s sense of belonging, well-being, engagement, and expression
Offer discounted rates for children under age 6 through the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system
Fees include breakfast, lunch and snacks freshly prepared on-site daily AND diapers, wipes and select diaper creams
As a charitable organization, operating on a not-for-profit basis, we are proud to have a 95% parent satisfaction rate.
Find a PLASP Early Learning and Child Care Centre near you!
In this section, you will find the following information about our Early Learning and Child Care Centres (ELCCC).
Hours of Operation
Full day, licensed child care is offered
Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Children will be moved to their respective age-appropriate program as space becomes available.

Our Award-Winning Team
PLASP recruits Registered Early Childhood Educators for our Early Learning and Child Care Centres. All centre staff meet employment requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act. All centre staff hold a valid Standard First Aid Certificate with level C CPR (for infants and children), and a clear vulnerable sector criminal reference check. Staff also participate in additional training courses through PLASP.
In addition, relief staff are hired and provided by PLASP and have received training specific to the PLASP programs and policies. Relief staff, who also have their ECEs, cover regular staff who are absent from their programs due to illness, family obligations etc. This works very much like a substitute teacher at school.

Programs That Inspire Learning and Development
The curriculum for PLASP centres is based on the HighScope® approach, where children develop important skills including language, pre-math and pre-reading skills. The development of this approach is based on long-term research that shows children learn best from active-learning experiences that they plan and carry out under the guidance of adult supervision. This gives children the best start prior to starting school. Through this active-learning process, children learn that they are capable, and that they are able to make decisions and solve problems about activities that are meaningful to them.
The daily routine is designed to allow time for the children to explore and learn independently and for the adults to plan more structured teaching time.
PLASP embraces the document “How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years” as set out by the Ministry of Education for children up to eight years old. The four foundations within this document, Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement, and Expression are embraced in the PLASP programs.
For more information, read our program statement, or view our fees. Not all programs are available at all locations. Please use the "search for care" function to see what programs are available at each location.
Infant programs (Ratio: 1 staff to 3 infants)
Our Infant programs are for children aged six weeks to 18 months. They feature a variety of motor, creative, music, sensory and language experiences, which help children learn through play and exploration. Learn more about PLASP Infant Programs.
Toddler programs (Ratio: 1 staff to 5 toddlers)
Our toddler programs are for children aged 18 to 30 months. Recognizing the growing mobility of toddlers, our toddler programs focus on supporting children in exploring and understanding more of the world around them. Learn more about PLASP Toddler Programs.
Preschool programs (Ratio: 1 staff to 8 children)
Our preschool programs are for children aged two-and-a-half (2.5) to five years. Our preschool programs provide opportunities for children to plan and carry out activities, and then to reflect on what they have done. Learn more about PLASP Preschool Programs.
PLASP accepts subsidies from the Region of Peel and the City of Toronto. Learn more about PLASP subsidies.

We’re Here to Help!
For more information about our Early Learning and Child Care Programs, download our PLASP Parent Handbook. You can also reach our Support Services Centre at 647-484-4372 (long distance: 1-888-739-4102). Our head office, located at 60 Courtneypark Drive West, Mississauga, accepts phone calls Monday to Friday, between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.