Qualified staff
Early Learning and Child Care Centre Staff: PLASP staff assigned to our child care centres are RECEs (Registered Early Childhood Educators) and have provided PLASP with a clear criminal reference check. In addition, relief staff are hired and provided by PLASP and have received training specific to the PLASP programs and policies. Relief staff cover regular staff who are absent from their programs due to illness, family obligations etc. This works very much like a substitute teacher at school. As much as possible, PLASP endeavours to assign relief staff to locations that are familiar to them.
Kindergarten Program Staff: PLASP hires staff that are RECEs (Registered Early Childhood Educators) for our kindergarten sites, thereby employing staff that understand the needs of young children. All staff are required to possess a valid First Aid Certificate, in addition to providing PLASP with a clear criminal reference check. Training received by kindergarten staff includes Positive Caregiving for Children and Setting the Stage for Successful Behaviour for School Age Children, and many more.
School Age Staff: All PLASP school age staff hold a valid Standard First Aid Certificate with level C CPR, and a clear vulnerable sector criminal reference check. We recruit Registered Early Childhood Educators, as well as candidates with Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), Child and Youth Worker (CYW) and Child and Youth Care Practitioner (CYC) designations. All staff hired to work in our school age programs meet the Ministry requirement under the Child Care and Early Years Act. Staff also participate in additional training courses through PLASP.
Our program staff are trained to work specifically with the age group that is assigned to them. They take the time to listen and interact with the children, providing a balanced program that supports and encourages children to grow and develop to their full potential.