Competitive Fees
At PLASP, we believe that parents and families are entitled to high quality child care that is safe, available, reliable and affordable. Learn more about our current fees.
Our program fees are competitive and always will be
Parent fees are approved annually by the PLASP Board of Directors and cover more than 80% of the organization's operating budget. As a charitable organization operating on a not-for-profit basis, we invest in our programs by hiring highly trained and qualified staff and paying them accordingly.
No Hidden Costs
Parent fees cover all expenses for your child in the program including supervision, breakfast, snacks, crafts, games and special events. When enrolling your child in a PLASP program, you will be required to pay the following:
Administrative fee: An administrative fee of $54.10 is charged, PER FAMILY, once a school aged child in confirmed in a PLASP program. The administrative fee will be charged to the eldest child, when the eldest child in the family is 6 years of age or older. In compliance with the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) System fee cap, for those families registering only children under six years of age the administration fee will be waived.
If a family cancels all children from PLASP programs and re-registers them, the administrative fee will be charged again, as stated above.
For more information on cancellations and refunds, as well as the discounts available, please see below.
Fees: Fees are set based on a full school year to keep administrative costs down. Payments for fees are made through pre-authorized payments, directly from your bank account, once your child(ren) are confirmed in the programs. Fees are prorated. Parents are not charged for statutory holidays. Parents will only be charged for P.A. Days, Winter Break or Spring Break programs (if confirmed in these programs).
Money Matters
At PLASP, we are committed to working with you to develop payment arrangements suitable to meet your needs. Should you need assistance with your fee payments, please call the Accounting Department at the PLASP Head Office at 905-890-1711. Please note: A returned payment fee may be charged for any payments that are returned with insufficient funds*.
Cancellations: Should your circumstances change and you no longer require our services, you must notify the PLASP Head Office at 905-890-1711, 10 business days prior to your pre-authorized payment date.
To ensure cost effective programs and reasonable fees, it is essential that parents give us the required notification to allow adequate time to process your request. Upon cancelling at the Head Office you will receive a cancellation reference number. Please see the PLASP payment calendars for cancellation and payment dates throughout the year.
Discounts: PLASP offers a discount to families who have three or more children registered with PLASP. A 50% discount will be applied to the child care fees of the third and subsequent child who is six years of age and older, actively participating in a school age program.
Fee Assistance: PLASP accepts subsidies from the Region of Peel and the City of Toronto.
*Denotes that the fee is a non-based fee, as defined by CWELCC.