To help you with the registration process, below is a list of the information you will be required to provide.
Having this information prepared in advance will help your registration process go more smoothly. Should you have any questions about the information required, please contact the Parent Services Hotline at 647-484-4372 (toll free: 1-888-739-4102).
Please note: To ensure your child's safety in our programs, we require that all fields be completed during the registration process. You will not be able to complete your registration if any of the required fields are left blank.
• Address – including postal code
• Secondary Address (if different from above)
• Employer Information for both parents – name, address (including postal code)
• Telephone Numbers – home, work and cell/pager
• Emergency Contacts – 2 trusted individuals who will be aware of your child(ren)'s involvement in our program and are close by to pick them up during an emergency
• Banking information including financial institution, account and transit number
• Doctors Information - name, address and telephone number (including postal code)
• Immunization Record (for Infant, Toddler or Pre-School programs only)
• Allergy Information – type of allergy, high or low risk and reaction
• Name of any medication taken on a regular or emergency basis
• Name of any special medical conditions or special needs
• List of any special requirements regarding diet, rest, exercise