PLASP Is Recognizing 1,250 Program Volunteers and Students on Placement for Being AWESOME!
PLASP will be recognizing the contributions of 1,250 awesome program volunteers and students on placement with celebrations happening within each program (where applicable). The individuals being recognized have contributed almost 50,000 hours so far this school year to various PLASP programs!

The format of this event has changed from previous years – this year, multiple events are scheduled to take place during May and June and will be planned and hosted by the children and staff in program. These smaller celebrations in program will ensure that all volunteers and students on placements are recognized for their contributions and will give the PLASP staff and children the special opportunity to be involved.
“Every day, PLASP staff, volunteers and students on placement cause awesome things to happen,” says Sharon Flood, PLASP’s Manager of Volunteer Services. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize these individuals personally in our programs in such an inclusive and meaningful way.”

From the planning to the event implementation that will involve the children, these events will support the four foundations of learning from the How Does Learning Happen? pedagogy from the Ministry of Education. The four foundations are belonging, well-being, engagement and expression.
Events will include refreshments, photo booths and open-ended activities that follow PLASP's play-based curriculum. There will also be a formal certificate and pin presentation to those being recognized. These events will be attended by the volunteers and students on placement and their families, teachers, school staff and media. We look forward to celebrating the volunteers and students on placement over the next few weeks!
PLASP Child Care Services