Keeping an Eye on Your Child’s Vision Health
“Eye spy with my little eye, something that is blurry?”
It’s not always quite that clear to parents that their child might be experiencing vision trouble, however, in Ontario, keeping an eye on your child’s vision health is easier than you might think. For children 19-and-under, yearly eye exams performed by an optometrist are covered by OHIP, and therefore free-of-charge.
It’s no optical illusion! This PLASP child and care provider are “framed” for arts & crafts success!
According to The Region of Peel Public Health Department, vision problems in young people often go unnoticed because children don’t know any different. It’s estimated that as many as 10% of preschoolers will have difficulties that if not treated, can affect the development of their sight. Research shows that treatment is most effective when a problem is caught before the age of five.

When creating the perfect playdough cookies, it is of the upmost importance that you can see your work.
The following information is according to The Region of Peel Public Health Department:
What to expect at your child’s optometrist appointment:
Your optometrist will test for the following during your child’s eye exam:
Overall vision testing in both eyes
Eye muscle testing
Eye coordination testing
A health assessment of the back and front of the eyes
During this visit, an optometrist will also be able to determine if your child requires glasses and will write a prescription if need be.
Parents should watch for the following possible signs that their child is experiencing vision trouble:
Frequent squinting or blinking
Frequently rubbing eyes
Covering one eye
One eye that turns out or in
Complaining of eye fatigue, headaches, or nausea
Short attention span
Frequently bumps into things or appears clumsy
Poor hand-eye coordination
Avoids reading or any activity that requires close work
Additional resources available to parents:
The Region of Peel offers online vision health information as well as an interactive tool to help you find an optometrist near you. Click here to learn more.
The City of Toronto also provides vision health resources online. For more information, click here.
PLASP Child Care Services