Hallway Laser Maze – A Fun DIY to Promote Health and Physical Education and Art!
A DIY laser maze is a perfect solution for staying active while indoors. Your child’s mission (should they accept it!) is to cross to the other side of the maze without touching “lasers” (which are actually made of paper streamers or yarn). This activity encourages children to be physically active by crawling, sliding, stretching, bending, and even jumping while using their imaginations to pretend that they are either secret agents or ninjas!
What You Will Need:
1-2 rolls of streamers (painter’s tape, ribbon, or yarn works too)

Tape the streamer to the hallway wall in a zig zag pattern, side to side, high and low. Make sure to leave enough space so that your child can maneuver around it successfully, but don’t make it too easy!
Encourage your child to cross the maze without touching the streamer. This is where they can use their imagination, pretending to be a “secret agent” or “ninja” on a mission!
Once the “mission” is complete, try it over again!
Variations include:
Beginning from the opposite side of the maze.
Trying it in the dark with a flashlight.
Setting a timer and trying to beat the buzzer!
Seeing if you and your child can complete the maze together.

Tips for older children:
If you have older children, have them make the maze themselves. Being involved in the creation will allow your older child to feel a sense of leadership, while providing an opportunity to be creative, problem solve, as well as implement and adjust their plan.

PLASP Child Care Services