Nature Scavenger Hunt
While keeping a safe distance from others, enjoying a nature scavenger hunt with your child outdoors (perhaps even in your own backyard) promotes writing and inquiry while getting some fresh air!
Here’s How to Get Started:
The objective of this game is to search for objects outdoors, and then record your findings. Children will have a chance to practice their writing skills while they participate.
What You Will Need:
Something to write with (pen, pencil)
Clipboard to write on
Make your own list of items to find, or print ours below
If you’re making your own list, ask your child what they think they will see or what they hope that they will see on the walk outside. Choose around 12 items.
Now it’s time go for a walk to see how many of the items you and your child can spot.
Tips for older children: Ask your child to write some observational notes about each item they find. For example, “I saw a black squirrel on a branch”, or “Found animal footprints, possibly a dog.”
Variation: Offer your child the use of a camera to photo document their hunt.

PLASP Child Care Services