Whisking Bubbles

Sometimes we tend to complicate things and overlook resources that we have right in front of our eyes. This is a great time to use materials we have at hand. With this activity you won’t need any fancy materials, just regular kitchen supplies and some curious little explorer(s). Watch what happens when we whisk a container filled with dish soap and water.
What you will need:
-A big container such as a storage tote
-Dish Soap
-Food Coloring (optional)
Engaging your child:
Sensory activities facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate, and explore. A good way to begin an activity with children is inviting them to play and giving a brief explanation as to what you will be doing. This practice will frame children’s mind and thinking to what is ahead and what to expect. Next, encourage, and guide your child into play. You can ask your child questions such as; “What do you think will happen when we stir really fast? How many bubbles can you count?” As they say, “Home is a child's first classroom and parents are their first teachers”.