Play Dough
Play dough is the ultimate open-ended material because it can be almost anything you want it to become. It can be a birthday cake, a snake, a flower, a snowman or a cookie! It’s fun for children to use play dough to imitate life while they roleplay their favourite events such as someone’s birthday. Bonus, it’s wonderful for toddlers and preschoolers as it promotes fine motor skills and development of smaller muscles in the hands.
This homemade play dough recipe uses ingredients many people will already have at home: (adapted from -1 cup flour, 1/4 cup salt, 3/4 cup of water minus 3 tablespoons, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon cooking oil
How to make it:
Measure the water and lemon juice, and heat in a small pot on the stovetop until just boiling. Meanwhile, combine the flour and salt. Slowly pour the liquid into the flour and salt mixture and stir with a wooden paddle until it just barely begins to form a dough. Drizzle the tablespoon of cooking oil over the dough and stir again until it forms a ball. Now with the help of your child(ren), knead the dough with your hands. As the dough cools it will thicken and become less sticky. Once cooled, you may need to add a spoonful of flour at a time to get the perfect consistency.
It’s also possible to make play dough without any heating if you have cream of tartar. Here’s an easy recipe.