Animal Yoga

Let’s get some fresh air and exercise while still practicing social distancing. All we need to get started is some space for your child to express themselves. This activity can be done indoors or out depending on the space. Follow the poses below and model the pose with your child. Hold the pose for 5-7 seconds. Guide your child to take some deep breaths. Deep breathing will relax our body and could reduce stress and anxiety that we are experiencing at this time. In addition to the emotional benefits, Yoga physically enhances a child’s flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness.
What You Will Need:
- Mat(s) (optional)
- Indoor or outdoor Space
Engaging Your Child:
Children are observational learners which means they learn by watching and through active learning. Yoga is a great activity to connect with your child. During this experience you are their teacher and guide. Let them imitate you and have fun with this. Invite your child to yoga, “Let’s go do some yoga. We will need some space for the two of us”. Children are curious learners so they might ask, “What’s yoga?” Your response should be age appropriate so you might say, “Yoga is stretching and exercise. Let me show you a pose. Can you try?” Take their lead too and imitate their actions - their creativity will surprise you.
