Goop is a softer version of play dough that provides children with a hands-on sensory experience. Children learn cause and effect when they see, touch, and move the goop around. They also develop their fine motor and sensory skills by manipulating and handling the goop, so let’s get started! In a large container, pour one cup of water and add two cups of cornstarch. Have your child mix the ingredients with their hands.
What You Will Need:
- Large container
- 2 cups cornstarch
- 1 cup water
Engaging Your Child:
There are many things to learn in this experience. You can make this activity rich with language by introducing your child to new words including gooey, slimy, wet, sticky, cornstarch, mix, stir, squishy, etc. During the experience, you can ask them “How does it feel?” or “What does it smell like?” to facilitate a conversation. Sensory activities like this are open-ended and allow children to explore new materials and make new connections to their world.