Outdoor Chalk Mosaic – An Outdoors Arts Activity
Creating an outdoor mosaic is a great artistic activity that also allows children to spend time outdoors. Children can work independently, or with others in their family. It’s an easy way to make a beautiful and unique creation to brighten-up your outdoor space!
An outdoor art project worth “dabbing” over.
What You Will Need:
Masking tape or painter’s tape
Sidewalk chalk
Create a border for your masterpiece using masking tape. It can be any shape you choose.
With more tape, tape off sections within the border until you have the desired amount of segments for your mosaic art. The exposed segments are where you will be colouring in with the chalk.

There are a lot of variations you can try with this activity. Write a positive message next to your mosaic – or spell out a message as a mosaic by taping off the letters and filling them in with chalk! Children can try the same spelling approach by taping off the letters of their names and filling them in.
- Or -
Try creating a quilt approach to your mosaic by having each segment be a different design. You can also have family members each fill in a segment for a truly collaborative finished product!

PLASP Child Care Services