Painting Rocks

As the sun greets us and we can spend more time outside here is an activity perfect for the outdoors. Painted rocks can add some bright pops of colour to your garden or home. Find a rock, get some paints and let your creativity flow!
-paint (acrylic works best and is quite weather resistant!)
-paper plates (something to pour the paints onto)
In this activity, we are having fun with creative expression. Art experiences should be opportunities for children to explore and engage in materials and where the process should be valued over the end product. You can introduce this activity to your child, “Today is really nice out. I thought that we could go outside and paint this rock. What colour do you want to paint it?” remark on your child’s actions, "You’ve dipped the brush and now you're painting the rock red.” Older children might enjoy putting a face on the rock or writing a message. Help your child to carry out his/her plan but don’t take over their work. It might be helpful to have a rock for you and a rock for your child so that you are engaged in the activity together. Have fun!