Ramps - a STEM learning experience
Looking for a STEM learning experience? This activity is great for all ages- even adults! Who doesn’t love speed and racing? Using everyday materials, you can build a simple ramp for your child to race cars or roll balls down. Putting these items in motion will provide your child with a learning experience involving force and gravity.
-a large cardboard box, flattened
-a riser (some stairs work well or you can use large blocks to hold up your ramp)
Optional: You may keep a small group of other materials by your side to test afterwards that your child can test down the ramp afterwards.
You can begin this activity by showing your child how to roll a ball or a car down the ramp. Start with a small incline as it is easier to observe something moving at a slower pace. Bring in language to support the learning that is taking place, “Look at the ball rolling down the ramp” Is it rolling slowly or quickly?” Next, increase or decrease the incline of the ramp. Point out how the ball or car behave differently, “What happened to the speed of the ball? Did it slow down or go faster?” By conversing with your child and asking questions, you can gauge your child’s understanding of what is taking place and how to guide their learning.