Marble Chute

Now you see it, now you don’t... until it lands in the collecting cup! In this easy to set up and design activity, your child will get to drop marbles or balls through a paper towel roll where it will land into a cup. This one is about speed and angles!
-at least one paper towel tube
-marbles, small balls or items small enough to slide through the tube
-a collecting cup/container
Engaging with Your Child:
Have your marble chute ready to go and introduce it to your child, “Look at what this is. It’s a marble chute. Let’s put a ball through it and see what will happen.” demonstrate how to drop a ball through the tube and ask your child to try. During this experience, provide language, “It’s going through the tube quickly.” or, “Oh no. It didn’t land in the cup- it bounced out.” Part of the fun here is making some variations to your design. Try taping the tubes on angles and dropping different objects to explore different outcomes.