Sensory Bags
Infants and toddlers are active learners and will learn about things about their world using all their 5 senses. Because infants are not yet able to move around and pick out things to explore, you will help your baby by bringing items to him/her to touch, feel, taste, smell and see and provide them with activities and experiences that allow them to safely explore their environment. Sensory bags are easy to make and will give your child something interesting to explore on your lap, at their high chair or during tummy time.
-a zipper storage bag (a small sandwich one is fine but any size will do)
-items of interest that you can put in the bags. Examples include water and oil with glitter, coloured water with sprinkles, play dough, paint, ice cubes, frozen play dough, white glue and flour, etc.
Take a zipper bag and put a few with items of interest. Make one, or a few different variations as suggested above. Make sensory bags that will be visually stimulating but interesting for your child to manipulate by hand too. Once you’ve zipped closed the bag, you can use tape to reinforce the zipper or you can double up on the zipper bag for an extra layer of protection. Do not overfill and always supervise your child during exploration and play.