Colour Wheel
The world is full of colour and there are so many to learn! Did you know that your child begins identifying colours around 18m of age? Around this age, your child is beginning to see the differences and similarities between objects, including colour, texture, shape and size. Classification is sorting objects, pictures and objects into groups. In this activity, you and your child will search around your home to find objects that can be sorted by colour.
Engaging with Your Child:
On a floor or table, lay out examples of the primary colours (red, blue, yellow). This will be the start of your colour wheel. Next, invite your child to go on a hunt to find colourful items in the home, “Let’s go find something that is red, blue or yellow. Hmm what can we find?” When your child chooses an object, head back to your colour wheel and ask your child where this object should be grouped, “Does this dinosaur belong with the blue group, the yellow group or the red group?” Continue searching and expanding your colour wheel. When an object isn’t too obviously one colour, let your child determine where he/she thinks it should be grouped. Remember, this is practice and we don’t need to correct every mistake. The key in mastery of skills for early learners is repeated experiences. Have fun and see how big your collective colour wheel gets.