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Create a Piggy Bank out of Recycled Materials – An Arts Activity
It’s time to re-purpose empty containers you have around your home into an engaging arts project! In this activity, children decorate containers to transform them into homemade piggybanks. Perhaps your child has a couple of wish list items that they’ve been thinking of over these weeks of physical distancing? Ask your child what they have been saving for and turn this piggy bank into a fund for that special item!

Paint or decorate your empty container with paint or paper, or a mixture of both!
What you will need:
An empty container (coffee containers and bread crumb containers work well).
Craft materials to decorate with such as paint, construction or tissue paper, glue, etc.
Scissors or an X-Acto knife.
Start with a clean, empty container.
Encourage children to use their imaginations to decorate the outside. They may want to glue on paper embellishments, or paint the outside of the container.
An adult should assist children to cut a slot in the middle of the container lid using either scissors or an X-Acto knife. This is where the money will be deposited into the piggy bank!
Tip: Perhaps children already have some money saved up, or have been earning some recently by completing household chores, etc. Transferring money to their new, homemade piggy bank is a great opportunity to have children count how much money they have – adding an additional element of math to this activity.

PLASP Child Care Services