Matching Socks
As a mom with two young children I am always amazed at the amount of laundry there is to wash and fold. Matching socks to make pairs seems to be an endless task but luckily, we can turn this part of folding laundry into a learning experience for our little ones. During this experience, children will learn more about matching- matching colour, size, print, etc.
-several pairs of socks, separated (printed ones or coloured socks work best)
Engaging with Your Child:
Let your child know that you are folding the laundry and that you will need help with sock matching, “There are so many socks looking for their partners. Can you help me find this sock’s partner?” Provide rich language and use descriptors during this experience to build up your child’s vocabulary, “Where is the blue sock with the dinosaurs on it?” or “Let’s look for the ribbed sock with the scalloped edging.” Matching socks is not only fun for your child but is a great opportunity to place a bit of child-sized responsibility onto your child.