Drawing Faces from Jar Lid Tracings
Jar lids are easy to find and are wonderfully open-ended items that we all have in our homes. Open-ended means that there are many ways that an item can be used. Jar lids for example can be great instruments, coins, plates, stacking discs, etc. In this activity, we will use jar lids to make faces when teaching emotions to our child.
Engaging with Your Child:
Trace a circle with the jar lid and say, “Look, I drew a face, but it doesn’t have eyes a nose or a mouth yet. Let’s give it a face. Should it be happy or sad? How do you feel right now?” Trace and complete some faces together and describe what different faces look like, “People smile when they are happy. Their mouths curve up.” or “Sometimes we cry when we feel sad and our mouths curve down like this.” Children like adults, have a wide variety of emotions. When children are better communicators, they are less likely to act out their negative feelings and will instead use words to describe how they feel. We can help them out by offering opportunities and experiences to talk about emotions throughout the day and model appropriate ways to demonstrate their feelings.