Measuring with Markers
Sometimes we can teach children important skills by using simple materials that we have at home. This activity focuses on the idea of measuring, comparing, and investigating objects with your child using non-standard measuring units. For our activity we have chosen markers to measure with, some other examples would be measuring with feet, pencils, and even dolls!
Use markers with connecting lids to encourage your child to measure objects around the home. Ask children to predict, “How many markers tall or long is this___?” TIP: You can also implement this activity outdoors.
Engaging with Your Child:
Provide your child with markers and ask them to select some objects around them that they would like to measure. Use words such as add, takeaway, length, height in the conversation to enhance their vocabulary. Let them take the lead and explore lengths of different objects in their home. You can ask them to make a prediction by saying “How many markers tall do you think this chair is?” An early understanding of measurement begins when children are able to compare objects. For example, they are able to identify something as being longer or shorter than another object.