Create an Invention – A Science and Arts Project

Perhaps you have a young inventor living in your household! In this activity, children are encouraged to draw a blueprint, then look for recyclable materials or items around your home that can be re-purposed in order to build an invention of their own imagining!
The above example invention was submitted by one of our PLASP children. First he drew out his flying machine invention, then tested it by launching it down a flight of stairs and seeing if it could fly from point A to B. This activity teaches children about simple physics as well as encourages them to problem solve while thinking about design and durability.
What you need:
Paper and writing utensils with which to create a blueprint.
Recyclable materials or items found around the home to replicate your child’s design.
Glue or tape – glue gun with adult supervision may work best. Alternatives include sticky tape, such as duct tape.
Encourage your child to draw their invention first. Making a plan is a great organizational skill and prompts children to consider a variety of things before beginning a project. Have them determine what function(s) they would like it to be able to do once completed. It’s okay to keep it simple!
Gather together materials needed – recyclable materials, glue/tape, etc.
Allow your child to take the lead on building their invention in order to give them an opportunity to problem solve as they work through the process. Help with holding and gluing items when needed.
Test it! If glued together, allow the invention to dry first, then encourage children to test it out to see if it can perform the function they had intended it to. If your child is able to write, encourage them to write down their findings.
Tip: Encourage your child to test their invention in a variety of ways. Remember – many of the world’s greatest inventors were not successful their first attempt. It’s okay to take what you learn today and apply it to another attempt tomorrow!

PLASP Child Care Services