Pretend to Be: Role Play
The summer season is ideal for implementing physical play outdoors. One of many benefits observed are that children get to burn off their energy in a natural environment while basking in some vitamin D.
Our next activity focuses on developing your child's gross motor skills such as eye and hand coordination, balance, and body control, while also promoting their social skills such as communication. Since children naturally tend to be more active outdoors than in, outdoor space would ideal for our next activity. To start, you and your child can take turns calling out an object or animal to imitate through movement and expression.
Below are some ideas that you can use and then encourage your child to come up with their own.
1.) “Fly” like an airplane around the yard.
2.) “Slither” like a snake on the grass.
3.) “Hop” like a bunny from the fence to the door.
4.) “Stand” on your tiptoe's as tall as the C.N tower.
5.) “Gallop” like a horse and jump over the line.
For infants, you can use pictures, make sounds, and role play.
Children require positive interactions to foster healthy development. Encourage your child throughout the play experience, “Wow look at you running so fast!”, or “You’re almost as tall as me on your tiptoes”. Take part in play in a give and take manner, “Who should we pretend to be next?” Lastly, give them plenty of time to come up with their own ideas and expressions.