Weave through Numbers
If you’re looking for a meaningful learning experience for your child with a quick set-up, then you might want to give our next activity a try. Using string, encourage your child to thread and weave through colourful numbered loops, so let's begin!
- Tape
- Marker(s)
- Lace, String, or Yarn
Variation; try using letters instead of numbers and sound them out as you go along.
Invite your child to play by introducing the activity; "Let's see if we can get the string all the way through 10!”. Encourage your child to recognize colours along the way “What colour are we going through next? Admire your child’s process as they try different ways to maneuver around the activity; “Wow! you looped it through the top this time”. Use your fingers to demonstrate counting concepts to give your child a visual understanding; “What comes after 2, 3? Hold-up your fingers and count “1, 2, 3”.