Autumn Leaf Collage
As the trees change colour and the leaves begin to fall, Autumn is perfect for connecting children with nature. Incorporating natural materials into play helps children gain appreciation for the environment around them. Take your child for a walk-through nature to collect an assortment of colourful leaves to create a collage.
1. Start by going for a walk and collecting assorted leaves.
2. Encourage your child to select leaves of their choice and glue them onto the paper.
Start by conversing about the environment around you, for example; the colours of the leaves, the size of the trees, etc. Make comments about the process as your child picks up a leaf, “that's a beautiful orange maple leaf you picked up”. Even though you are on a walk to gather leaves, your child might find twigs or pine cones along the way. Compliment your child findings and say “how about we turn our leaf collage into a nature collage”.