Search Out
Rainy days, often times lead to impromptu experiences. It’s Autumn and sometimes our scheduled walk to the park might get postponed due to unpredicted weather conditions. In the meantime, keep your child engaged by collecting and hiding colourful objects and toys from around the house and initiating a search out!
1. Gather brightly coloured objects or toys from around the house that your child is familiar with.
2. Place/hide the items around the room. Make the items slightly visible so it's not too hard for your child to find.
3. Let your child walk around the room and search for the hidden items.
Start the activity by explaining the process and showing your child the items to search for, “I’m going to hide these items around the room”. Ask your child to cover their eyes or turn around while you hide the items, “no peeking”. Count out loud as your child finds the items and encourage them to count with you.