Painting on a Foil Canvas
Paint on a foil canvas responds differently than it does on standard paper. The smooth reflective surface provides a visual and sensory experience for children. Promote creative expression and strengthen fine motor skills by encouraging your child to paint using cotton swabs.
- Empty Cereal box
- Tin foil
- Cotton swabs
- Tape
- Paint (tempera recommended)
- Dish soap (prevents the paint from flaking)
- Scissors
- Paper plate or paint palette to pour the paint onto.
1. Cut cereal box into a square or rectangular shape.
2. Roll out tin foil to cover the shapes you cut out of the cereal box.
3. Flip the foiled base over and secure the back using tape.
Start the activity by gathering the required materials. Involve your child in the process by providing them with options and giving positive feedback, “we need paint for our activity, which colours would you like to use?”. Link experiences to words, "green and brown are perfect colours for painting! they remind me of the trees in our backyard”. Demonstrate the purpose of the cotton swab in the activity and provide verbal direction, “we are going to dip the cotton swab in here and use it to paint our canvas”.