Puddle Jumps
When children see puddles, they instantly gravitate towards them! Exploring puddles teaches children how to move their bodies. As they jump in the puddle, run through the puddle, or hop in the puddle, they are building onto their fundamental movement skills while also experiencing cause and effect. Get your rain gear ready and have a splash enjoying puddle play!
1. Get your gear on, for both you and your child and head outside.
2. Find a puddle and explore.
“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing” - Alfred Wainwright
Be ready to play! What's better than a child playing in a puddle, having someone there to enjoy it with them. Engage with your child as you both splash and watch the water ripple away. Support your child’s gross motor skills by offering to stomp in the puddle, hop in the puddle etc. Invite your child to sing “row, row, row your boat,” or “singing in the rain.”