Marble Painting
Mix art and motion by using marbles to paint colorful lines on paper. When your paper is filled with marble-painted lines, your picture will look like a gorgeous abstract painting.
- Marbles (Marbles host a choking hazard for very young children and are only recommended to use under adult supervision.)
- Spoons
- Paint (washable paint is recommended)
- Paint palette, muffin baking tray, egg carton or simply a paper plate to use to put your paint in.
- Paper (heavier weight sketch or construction paper is recommended)
- A tray, baking dish, or a shallow box
1. Prepare for marble painting by putting different coloured paints into a palette of your choice.
2. Place your sheet of paper in your shallow box or baking dish.
3. Set out the marbles and spoons.
4. Drop the marbles into the paint.
5. Mix them around to coat the marbles.
6. Transfer your paint-covered marbles using a spoon or your hands to the paper in the shallow box/dish.
7. Now lift your tray and tilt it sideways so the paint-covered marbles roll around and leave painted trails, creating interesting designs on the paper.
1. Start with a dry marble and put little dots of paint on the paper.
2. Encourage your child to roll the marble through the paint.
The process of this activity can nurture your child’s social and emotional health by reinforcing skills such as relaxation, focus, and building confidence. Begin by offering your child marbles to feel and observe. Include your child while setting-up for the activity by providing them with options and giving them mini tasks to complete like selecting and squeezing out paint. You can ask questions for example, “Which marble is your favorite?”, “I can see the colours changing when they are mixed together, which colours do you like to mix together?”, “Can you move the marble in circles?”, “Can you tilt the marbles to all be in the middle?”.