Match the Numbers
You, as caregivers play a pivotal role in providing your child with opportunities to learn and develop new skills. Keeping that in mind, support your child’s early math skills by counting, recognizing, and matching numbers using Ziplock bags and woodchips.
- Large Ziploc Bag
- Woodchips
- Permanent black marker
1. Using the black marker, draw 10 circles along the edges of the Ziploc bag.
2. Write out the numbers 1 to 10 inside the circles on the Ziploc bag.
3. Write out the numbers on both sides of the wood chips.
You can begin this activity by counting the wood chips together. Ask your child to put the woodchips in the bag and offer your assistance to seal it. Effective modeling techniques helps children become more confident in their own learning abilities. Communicate and model the process of the activity for your child by sliding the wood chips to their matching numbers and then encouraging them try, “Now it’s your turn, can you match the number 2?”. Once all the numbers are matched, you can play “find the number” by calling out a number out of sequence and asking your child to point to it.
Variation: If you have a toddler; you can simplify this activity by focusing on the numbers 1 to 5 and emphasizing counting the numbers out loud.