DIY Paintbrush
Art activities are a fun way to promote your child’s creative expression which greatly supports their ability to think outside the box. Give your child an opportunity to practice fine motor skills by creating unique paintbrushes using recycled paper towel rolls.
- Paper towel or craft rolls
- Craft paint
- Large craft paper
- Plate/Palette
- Scissors
- Tablecloth or large plastic bag
- Smock or painting shirt
1. Prepare your art area. Cover your table with the tablecloth or plastic bag to allow your child to have fun getting messy during their creative process.
2. Ask your child to wear a smock or a painting shirt.
3. Ask your child to choose the colours of paint and pour multiple colours of paint on the plate. Remember, a little goes a long way.
4. Using scissors, cut straight lines halfway through the paper towel roll and bend the stripes outwards.
5. Dip your DIY paintbrush into the paint and begin painting.
This simple painting activity reuses recycled materials, which can be a great segue to talk about the benefits of recycling on our planet.
Children love to create art masterpieces! You can encourage your child’s painting skills by sharing positive thoughts about their process, “I see that you worked really hard into making those wavy lines”. Using phrases like “I noticed…” and “I see that you…” is a positive way to show your child that you are involved, engaged, and encouraging them. Celebrate and display their art once they are done and dry, this will lead to your child feeling a sense of success and will encourage them to create more masterpieces.