Movement Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are a fun and engaging activity that can be adapted to any and all interests of your child. In this scavenger hunt, the interest highlighted is music and movement. Being physically active is part of a healthy development as research shows that children who’s daily routine involves physical literacy, prove to be more confident and motivated.
1. On your paper or in your book, write down 5-10 clues that can be found in your home, for example;
Clue 1: twirl 3 times and find a book.
Clue 2: jump 10 times to find a shoe.
Clue 3: hop on 1 foot to find a sock and etc.
2. Ready, Set, Go! Use the timer to calculate the amount of time needed.
Tip: If your child is younger, you can use pictures and numbers to support their understanding.
Variation: Extend on the timer, use this opportunity to repeat the scavenger hunt over again, offering your child a chance to beat their time.
Once your clues are complete, invite your child over for this fun and engaging activity. Consider going over the clues first with your child, ensuring that they understand. Display enthusiasm in your voice as you say “Ready, Set, Go!”. During this time consider encouraging your child by counting along with them and praising their efforts, “you're getting close, you found it!”. As your child continues with the clues, use your facial expressions to show excitement and encouragement. Once the clues are all found, consider asking your child, “How did that feel? Do you think you can beat your time?”. Encouraging to repeat the clues in order to beat the time is a great way to continue on the physical activity.