Cling Wrap Painting
The purpose for today’s activity is for your child to express themselves through painting and observe how paint responds to new material, using clear plastic wrap.
1. First flip the table upside down and wrap the clear plastic wrap around the legs of the table.
2. Add a variety of coloured paint to the plate and you are ready to begin!
Begin by involving your child in the process of preparing for this activity. Encourage them to help you wrap the table legs with the cling wrap, to choose the colours of paint and squeeze out the paint from the bottles. Once you are all ready, encourage your child to begin painting. It is important to enjoy the process of painting because it provides your child a sensory experience which supports them to build their understanding of the world around them. It also provides your child the chance to freely express their feelings and thoughts while developing their hand-eye coordination skills. Ask your child open-ended questions such as, “What can you tell me about your painting?”, “What would you name your painting?” and “What do you like most about your painting?”. This will encourage your child to talk about their thoughts and feelings about what they have created.