Dancing to Classical Music with Scarves
Classical music involves many different tempos, rhythms, pitches, and volumes from a variety of instruments within an orchestra. Today we will dance to the different tempos (speed) and rhythms of classical music with scarves.
This dancing activity provides your child the opportunity of mastering their movement skills by encouraging self-expression. They will experience listening and matching their movements to the music’s rhythm and mood, meanwhile engaging their creativity and imagination.
Start by making the scarves available for your child to handle and play with. Play the classical music and encourage your child by saying, “Try to match your scarf to the music. If it is fast, how should your scarf move? If it is slow, how should it move? What if the sound is loud? Or soft?” Encourage your child to listen and respond to the high and low pitches, fast and slow tempos, and loud and soft sounds. This can invoke a variety of body movements of up and down, fast and slow, swaying, and the rest is up to their imagination. For example, when the tempo is slow, you can tiptoe very slowly while slowly swaying the scarf behind you. When the tempo speeds up, you can run or twirl fast with your scarf following along. Dance along with your child using the dancing scarves and use words of encouragement to engage your child in moving to the music. Most importantly, have fun imagining the atmosphere the music portrays.