Blowing Pompoms Through a Tube
Today’s activity is all about blowing pompoms through a tube. This activity will encourage your child to find unique ways to use recycled items to create a fun and exciting toy to play with.
1. Flip the cup upside down and tape down the carboard tube on-top of it.
2. Fill the small bowl /container with colorful pompoms or paper balls.
3. Place the other container at the other end of the tube opening.
4. Place one or two pompoms inside the tube and let your child aim the tube to blow the pompom into the large container.
Engaging with Your Child
Did you know that the muscles that are engaged in the action of blowing air out of the mouth is one of the best ways to strengthen a child's jaw muscles to prepare them to pronounce words? The purpose of this activity is to strengthen your child’s jaw muscles and work on their hand-eye coordination skills. Encourage your child to pick up the pompom or paper ball and place it in the mouth of the tube and try to aim the tube and blow as hard as they can to get it in the large container. You can show them how to do so by role modeling it to them. Once your child is well acquainted with the activity, you can make it more difficult by placing the large container further away.
Variation: For older children, you can create 2 stations and have a tournament on who fills their container first.