Mindfulness Monday with Story and Senses
Today our story will be about peace and mindfulness followed by a little activity that will engage all of our senses; sight, touch, sound, smell and taste. Mindfulness is a beneficial way of cultivating stillness, focus and awareness in young children. Let’s incorporate language and literacy by introducing mindfulness through the wonderful book “I Am Peace” by Susan Verde.
Mindfulness is the practice of slowing down and paying full attention to your mind, body and surroundings. Introduce the practice of mindfulness to your child through the suggested book. Find a comfortable place in your home and read along this book. Once the book is done, ask your child “I have a fun way to practice having some peace. Can you find...
1. Five things that you can see with your eyes? Let’s look around us, what can you see?
2. Four things that you can feel with your hands? Rub your hands together, that is our sense of touch. What are four things you can touch?
3. Three things that you can hear with your ears? Listen, what sounds do you hear?
4. Two things that you can smell with your nose? Maybe we can find two different smells in the kitchen.
5. One thing that you can taste with your mouth? Let’s open our fridge and see what we can taste.
Allow your child to take the lead in exploring their surroundings with each of their senses. With each discovery, sit with each sensation for a few minutes. Ask your child to describe their findings. If your child is too young, help enrich their vocabulary by describing the sensation. This is a hands-on way for your child to learn everyday mindfulness. After you’re done, ask your child “How do you feel now?”. Mindfulness is an important skill that supports our overall health, well-being and how we connect to others.