Springtime Story Time
Winter is almost over, and the next beautiful season is around the corner. The cold weather and snow gradually disappearing and colourful Spring season is ready to come. Today’s story helps the child’s imagination to journey them from Winter to Spring and see all the beautiful things that transform in nature.
Reading interesting stories that are rich in ideas that relate to our real lives engages children to enjoy literacy. Read along the suggested book and show enjoyment as you read through each page. Pause the video at each page and ask your child to retell the page you have just read together. Ask them questions of what they see and how they feel. Connect the story that you just read to your daily lives by asking questions such as “Did you see signs of spring on our walk today?”. Asking questions to connect the story to real-life invites literature into a child’s daily life. Asking them to retell the story in their own voice helps their comprehension skills. Children find enjoyment in reading and re-reading stories that resonate with them. Find that comfortable and cozy spot and let the reading fun begin!
Tip: You can extend this reading activity by going on a walk afterwards or the following day and ask your child to point out the signs of spring they see. This is a fun way to help them make deeper connections to reading and literacy.