Box Pulling Race
Are you ready to make your own pull-game today? Today’s activity will provide a fun opportunity for children to learn how to take turns, strengthen their hand and wrist muscles, and be active in moving their whole body by playing this active game.
A small box - tissue box, shoe box, etc.
A long piece of string or yarn
A paper Roll
Any toy
Optional: Cartoon Critters Music
Cut a small hole in the box and tie one side of the string or yarn to it.
Tie the other end of the string around the paper roll.
Place a small toy in the box.
Place the box as far as the string goes.
Play the music and start pulling the box before the music stops.
This activity focuses on playing a game that requires us to use our whole body while practicing our social skills of taking turns. A simple turn-taking game can lead your child to learn how to make friends in the future, listening to others, helping others and interacting positively in peer-group settings.
Invite your child by saying “I have a fun pulling game we can all take turns to do. Can I have the first turn to show you?”. Play the music, squat down and start rolling the tube to pull the box closer. If your child is too young to roll the tube, ask them to pull the string closer instead. This movement will help them strengthen the muscles in their hands and wrists while trying to balance their body. Encourage your child’s ability to give others a turn and positively encourage the person that is pulling the box by saying things such as, “You can do it!” and “Great effort, you tried really hard pulling the string!”.
PLASP Child Care Services