PLASP CEO Lynn Hiebert Shares a Message in Celebration of Father's Day

PLASP Dads picking up their children from PLASP programs, 2021.
MarketWatch reports that Canadians spend one-third less on gifts for Father’s Day than we do for Mother’s Day. And it’s a well-worn cliché that dads are doomed to receive the same gift choices year after year.
Amazon features more than 10,000 “joke gifts for dad” and there are countless other online options with purposely bad gifts for fathers.
So, this Father’s Day, maybe it’s the year to take a pass on these gift categories.
Think about something Dad would find fun and special, but would not plan to get for himself.
Consider completing an item on Dad’s to-do list or pitching in to help him next time he has a DIY project.
Select a gift based on Dad’s hobbies or interests.
If you ask the father or grandfather in your life what they want most this Father’s Day, I’m sure the gift of family time will top the list. What will mean the most to the fathers – and father figures – in your life is a gift that shows how much they are loved and appreciated.
This Father’s Day, I’m sending out a profound note of appreciation to all of the PLASP fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins and other wonderful father figures who give us the best gift every day – the gift of themselves!

PLASP Child Care Services