Celebrating Black History Month at PLASP
PLASP Child Care Services is geared-up for celebration, education and reflection throughout this month and beyond as we celebrate Black History Month during February! Follow PLASP on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter to see how PLASP children and staff in programs and centres are participating in curriculum which honours Black history, culture and contributions.
PLASP’s commitment to celebrating and fostering diversity, is an essential part of our core values and we have been working at all levels of the organization to better understand and educate ourselves about the diverse backgrounds and stories of our employees and the families we serve. Please join us as we celebrate Black History Month as an opportunity for learning and celebration of a history and contributions that deserve to be honoured and shared.

“At PLASP we are always excited about ways we can take meaningful action to celebrate all who make up our wonderful PLASP family and community.” says PLASP VP of Operations, Rosemary Stiglic. “PLASP’s Curriculum Team has been preparing a toolkit of engaging and educational activities for children and staff to participate in, designed to celebrate and learn more about Black History during the month of February and beyond. We’re looking forward to sharing more with you throughout the month!”
PLASP invites you to explore the resources below for personal growth and reflection as well as conversation starters with the children in your care:
Government and Registered Charity Resources:
Black History Month –
Resources Relating to Black History at the Archives of Ontario
CBC: Black History Month for Kids
The Canadian Encyclopedia: Black History Month
Resources provided by PLASP’s partnering school boards:
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Peel District School Board
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto District School Board
PLASP Child Care Services