PLASP Celebrates Everyday Superheroes this Mother’s Day
“There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one."
– Jill Churchill
Mom. امّی (Ammi). Mama. أمي (ommi). Nanay. ਮਾਤਾ (matta). Mutter. माँ (maa). Mommy…
No matter how you say it, the role of mother is vast and all encompassing. This year, in celebration of Mother’s Day on May 14, PLASP educators and children are showing their gratitude and appreciation for the moms and mother figures in their lives who support and show up for them each and every day.

To say thank you, PLASP children created handmade thank you cards and crafts for the superhero they call mom at their program location.
On this Mother’s Day, on behalf of PLASP, we honour the incredible wisdom that mothers share, the endless love they give, and the unyielding support they show to us and our children while we learn, grow, and thrive.
Happy Mother’s Day!
PLASP Child Care Services